Scraper Conveyor Spare Parts Delivery to Medan
Some spare parts for scraper conveyor have been delivered to Medan recently. The spare parts include chains, scrapers, etc.. Chains are made of 40Cr anti-corrosive material. Scrapers are made of high strength engineering plastic. The pellet project in Medan started running in April, 2016, so the practical service life span of chains and scrapers is about 2 years. You can get more info about this project on our website below:
Items: Chains, Scrapers, Pulley Packing Size:1060x700x750(L x W x H, unit:mm) Gross Weight:330 kg
Total 1 piece of steel case.
The cargo will be shipped from Qingdao port, China to Belawan port, Indonesia.
TAG:  scraper conveyor conveyor chains wood pellet mill Medan |