Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment
To everyone who follows SIMEC.
COVID-19 is a brand-new disease, and the whole world is suffering from the pandemic.
This is an unprecedented global war, and mankind is facing the same enemy, the novel coronavirus.
The virus epidemic has broken out in many regions of the world. We hope you and your family are safe and healthy.
From the link below, you can download "Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment" which is presented by clinicians involved in the treatment of COVID-19 in China.
Download "Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment"
We particularly hope that these practical experiences of China can be used as a reference for those people fighting for the epidemic, so please feel free to download, print, and share to your friends and relatives, so that they can be well prepared to fight the virus. The viruses in Europe, North America, Africa, and other areas in Asia are different from China. These viruses are not directly related. So the handbook is shared just for reference.
Thanks to our scientists, doctors, nurses, governments and the people, my great country CHINA have won the virus battle. Economic, society and business are all running well. The virus epidemic is over in our homeland, the People's Republic of China.
SIMEC staff have been back from Chinese New Year holiday and returned to work since 10th Feb. 2020.
Bless the people of the world. SIMEC
TAG:  COVID-19  novel coronavirus  epidemic  corona virus  2019-nCoV  prevention  protection |